Wednesday, 15 May 2013


I'm currently 6dp4dt. By now, if it was going to, the embryo should have finished implanting and today or tomorrow should start to secrete HCG in to my blood stream. 

So it's still early. There are 6 more sleeps until my HCG blood test. We're halfway there! Here is what I have been experiencing so far in my 2WW...

Heartburn since day of transfer. Worst when I stand up.

Cramping on and off. Some period like cramps, some different.

Pinching feeling on left side of my abdomen. Sharp pains on and off for 1-2 minutes at a time.

Breasts are becoming a little more sore.

Normalness. Yes, feeling completely normal at times. Especially today. I miss the weird little feelings I've been getting the last few days. 

Trust me, I know that every single one of these is attributed to my medication. I'm really trying not to symptom spot, I'm just wanting to record down how I feel throughout this 2WW. 


  1. Whew, halfway!!! It's so hard to know what is from the meds and what could be implantation, I understand completely. Hang in there, you're one day closer than you were yesterday. ;) You're doing great!!

    1. Thank you! Yes so hard and it's impossible not to try and decipher every single feeling!

  2. Got my fingers crossed for you lady! Hope the next 6 sleeps fly by and you get some good news.
