Sunday, 5 May 2013

Let There Be Eggs

Well tomorrow is the big day! The biggest day physically at least. Emotionally, other days are a bit bigger for me.

My retrieval is scheduled for 9:10am. We have to be there at 8:10am and hubby will go to do his sample at 8:50am.

Last time it was such a boring wait! You get there early to fill out paperwork and then you sit and twiddle your thumbs. No phones are allowed in day surgery so it's either watch bad morning television or read dated magazines that are probably still talking about Jennifer Aniston & Angelina Jolie's hatred for each other (seriously very little else bores me more than this topic of celebrity gossip)!

At about 9ish, they'll call me in to the office and a nurse will check I'm not wearing makeup, have no jewelry on, my height and weight etc. Then I'll be led to a change room and put on my stylish theatre gown. I'll pop on my huge chocolate dressing gown overtop, put my hair net and booties on and head to the waiting room.

At my last retrieval, all the women in the waiting room had their husbands with them. For some reason, when my husband came back from doing his part, they told him that he couldn't come back to sit with me. Not happy! Not sure why either. This time, he's said he will make sure he comes back. Now that he knows other partners were allowed back. And especially considering I was back there by myself for 30 minutes! It's weird because I'm sitting in a room full of other women going through the exact same thing but none of them said a word to one another. I smiled at them and did not receive a single one back. Ooook then! A bit of friendly chatter probably would have helped all our nerves. I did notice that my Dr was the only one to come back and wish me luck. None of the others had their Dr do that. Made me happy that despite him not being the one to do retrieval, he still took time to head over and see me.

It wasn't until about 9:50am that I actually stepped in to theatre last cycle. So I am assuming the same will happen again! They really get you there early just to keep you hanging around!

I know I'm only under for about 20 minutes or so, but it's amazing how fast the time from stepping in to theatre to waking up in recovery feels. They put the needle in my arm and I was out. I've had surgery a couple of times but this is obviously a lighter anaesthetic so it all just whizzes by compared to the more intrusive surgeries!

I'll wake up, check my hand to see how many eggs were retrieved and then hubby will be brought in to see me. I'll probably spend 15 mins in recovery and then they'll send me back to put my clothes on and head on home!

I should be home by midday! The longest part of my day will literally be the waiting to go in! Crazy! I can't wait! So excited that I'm not sure how I'll sleep tonight.

I've been feeling really crampy today. I ran from one end of the house to the other and freaked out that I'd twisted an ovary. Then my sister's giant puppy jumped up on my stomach and I worried he bursted something. I can't win. I'm just resigned to being a worrier forever!

For now, I'm going to have some of my husbands famous chocolate pudding with icecream whilst watching The Voice and then it's an early night for me! Ready to get lots of eggs tomorrow!

I just need to add quickly that my husband just fed our dog a bone on my rug. Seriously... Men!!! Argh!


  1. I'm so excited for you and hubby!! It's 2pm on Sunday here, so if my math is right you'll be having the retrieval in like 5 hours or so? IDK... Either way, you have been in my thoughts all day, and I pray with all of my heart that this goes well, that you have lots of lovely eggs, and that they fertilize beautifully and thrive into perfect Blasts!! I can't wait to hear how it goes, I will be anxiously awaiting an update!! :)

    Ps...I wore makeup to mine, maybe I shouldn't have :0 lol


  2. Thank you for your thoughts and prayers! And yes your math was right :)
    I'm sure each clinic is different about makeup. Mine was none at all and no jewelry or nail polish. Least you would have looked nice for yours! I broke out that morning so I looked like a mess lol!
